Bulleted. For me, it’s just an excuse as I can’t seem to think of a good composition right at this moment. Better yet list ’em down this way:
- Last year, at this time we were getting ready for our India trip. My bad! I forgot to take along with me my husband’s tuxedo for my sister in law’s wedding. We then had his suit stitched there. Glad one shop accepted rush order teehee!
- As soon as we got back from our 2 weeks trip, I applied online and was luckily chosen. Worked as a Corporate Assistant beginning February. But due to fortunate and some unfortunate events, I had to make a decision and leave the job after 4 months.
- May 2009, a surprised vacation of my husband where he told me he was coming a week before his arrival.
- That surprised vacation brought us the greatest news after a month. We were blessed with another priceless gift, our 2nd bundle of joy and she’s expected to come anytime next month or later.
- July 2009, the month where I have become a completely stage mother waiting for more than 2 hours everyday in school.
To be continued… that is if I remember to do so LOL!
It seems like it was a great year for you.
For me it was also important:
1. May, 2009 – I gradueted my University
2. August, 2009 – I got married
3. October, 2009 – I got a better job
4. October, 2009 – I found out that Im pregnant.
As our baby will be born in 2010, it’s also a vey important yera for us.