I have almost forgotten about it, that I still need to settle my voluntary SSS contribution for this month and submit the amendment needed. While I was approaching SSS, I heard two people discussing on something along the sidewalk, one seemed to be very upset and sounded like a motorcycle accident lawyer while the other one explains his side and I heard some motorcycle involved.
Anyway, the number I got for verification was 194 and the number that was just called was 167. Nabulok byuti ko sa kakahintay! When it was my turn, I learned that the past months I have not contributed cannot be paid anymore, so it was like I’m starting from scratch and would only be able to get maternity benefits based from the last 5 months that I have paid my contributions. Well, better than nothing.
From there, I went to pay my celphone dues in advance coz I don’t wanna end up getting my line redirected again when I needed it most. It only took me 2 minutes to pay my bill using the machine. I love it that way rather than waiting in the queue. Then, off to the National Bookstore and bought extended envelope with partitions. I need to get our papers/docs organized. I already did actually as soon as I finished watching Changeling. Take note I’ve already kept a slot on Erchelle’s name haha! Excited eh?
That’s about it! That’s how my afternoon went. Tomorrow will be another ordinary day. Deye is a lot better now and maybe tomorrow she could go back to school.