Today, she completed 4 months and had her IPD shot as well. She’s supposed to have it last Saturday but I thought it wasn’t a good idea ‘coz her Christening was scheduled the following day. Anyway, here are the things that she could do now:
When lying on tummy, legs straighten, and makes swimming movements with both arms and legs. Holds head erect when sitting. Kicks legs a lot. Head and eyes move in coordinated motion. Easily tracks objects with her eyes. Watches moving people and gazes across a room. Giggles and coos a lot. Recognizes me and my presence and gets even excited as she hears my voice. This usually happens the moment I reached home from work.
Weight from 4.8kgs to 5.9kgs
Length from 54cm to 63cm
Mitch Carvalho
I am a full-time home-based Marketing Manager by day, 24/7 Mom, and a Blogger/Content Creator in my spare time. Proud mom to 2 girls and 1 boy, Derelle, Erchelle, and Elric.
I am happy to share my adventures as I walk through motherhood and have to do most things on my own while my husband works miles away from us. Turning my passion into a profitable venture is another thing.
Authoring and managing this personal blog developed my social media awareness over the years.
From being an ex-OFW to doing what I am good at in the comfort of my own home – while taking good care of my 3 wonderful kids, I hope that people see me as a great inspiration when it comes to pursuing my passion and turning it into a profitable venture.
A giant leap like this is such a challenging journey but indeed is rewarding. A few bumps along this whole journey did not stop me from being the best version of myself.
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