People often associate the house with relaxation. But we do they always shove the garden aside?! The garden can be the ultimate place of tranquility if you let it. Yes, there might be some times of the year where it might not be the best to in. The cold and the rain doesn’t really sound like tranquility, does it? But when the sun is shining, and the birds are singing, there’s no end to the amount of relaxation you can have. If you’re struggling for inspiration, we’ve got some inspiring tips on how you can turn your garden into a place of tranquility by awakening your senses. Read on to find out more.
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Sight is one of the most important sense when it comes to tranquility. The things around you need to be calm and gentle if you want to feel relaxed. A lot of the things that you can put in your garden will achieve this. First, let’s start with the plants and trees you can place around to brighten the place up. The darker a place, the darker the mood. The more colours you see, the happier you’re going to be. One thing that really does symbol relaxation is palm trees. Palm trees transport you to that relaxing beach environment that we all crave, but most of the time can’t have. This one kind of couples in with the sound section of the article. With the beautiful green palm trees swaying in the wind, and the sun beating down on you, it truly will feel bliss. To fill the garden with an array of colours, we recommend you chose from tulips, daffodils, crocus, as well as much more than you can find on the internet!
Sound Some people will class no sound as good sound, but that leaves you alone with your thoughts without any form of relaxation. There are some really tranquil additions that you can add to your garden to change the feel of it. We’ve already discussed how palm trees create their own unique sound. But a trickling water feature is something we think you’re going to love. They’re not too expensive, and easy to set up. Couple them both together and you really will be transported into a world of relaxation.
Smell What you smell is going to determine how the other two senses are affected. You can create an array of different smells just by the plants you’re using. For example, lavender has long been known for its relaxing properties as it is. Luckily for you, you can grow it in your own garden. Plant a nice bunch of them and the smell will be strong enough to flow around you all day long. Then, when the lavender plant is mature enough, dry it out and pull the leaves off. You can leave it in your bedroom and it’ll make the room smell glorious. It is known for helping to induce sleep which is always a bonus.
So there you go, we hope now that your garden truly will be a place of tranquility for you, and your family to enjoy.