Yep yep, the title says it all! Annie had mentioned this today and I’ve searched for the tool immediately, of course with the help of Google.
Out of so many returns, I tried the first link that came when I typed PR Predictor.
| Google PageRank Prediction |
It’s as simple as how you get your present PR (as shown):
And here’s what this tool has predicted…
I got a PR6! Wooohooooooo! I hope that happens soon! :p
Mitch Carvalho
I am a full-time home-based Marketing Manager by day, 24/7 Mom, and a Blogger/Content Creator in my spare time. Proud mom to 2 girls and 1 boy, Derelle, Erchelle, and Elric.
I am happy to share my adventures as I walk through motherhood and have to do most things on my own while my husband works miles away from us. Turning my passion into a profitable venture is another thing.
Authoring and managing this personal blog developed my social media awareness over the years.
From being an ex-OFW to doing what I am good at in the comfort of my own home – while taking good care of my 3 wonderful kids, I hope that people see me as a great inspiration when it comes to pursuing my passion and turning it into a profitable venture.
A giant leap like this is such a challenging journey but indeed is rewarding. A few bumps along this whole journey did not stop me from being the best version of myself.
this is cool, sis. i wanna try it out. 🙂 sana huwag lang naman zero ang sa akin. LOL!
arlene’s last blog post..Scrumptious Sunday – Casserole
wow. i wanna try it too.
I wonder by what criteria it judges future pagerank….
Barbara Ling (aka Owlbert)’s last blog post..Viva the Easter Broccoli Bunny! Managing your blog fan’s expectations – Day 1 of 5
o di baaaa, 6 say u!!! hihihi but know what, i believe their basis here is the number of inbound links uv got (outside links that link to ur site). o di baaa, andami!! way to go mitch! i believe in u! =)
mk’s last blog post..Stranger Than Fiction