The day I took bunso to her Pedia for a check-up was the same day she got admitted in the hospital. At half past 10pm, she was again nursing 39., since it was already time for her medicine, I thought I’d give her milk first. She finished her milk and after a couple of minutes, gave her medicine. As I was about to go to our dining area to keep the medicine in the fridge, I heard her threw up. I panicked. Picked her up from the bed and called my mom and told her to come to our house. Few minutes later, mom and dad were home. Dad stayed in the house with Ate Deye while me and my mom took bunso to the hospital.
While mom and bunso waited in the Emergency Room, I headed to the laboratory to get her urinalysis result. As per the resident doctor, she’s got slight urinary infection. After I told her of the history, the doctor advised that bunso should get admitted in the hospital for confinement. As per the doctor, she’s already dehydrated. Before I agreed, I called her Pediatrician first for an advice if it’s really needed. She said that since my daughter doesn’t take milk and medicine, the only way we could give her is through dextrose.
Of course, everything best for my daughter, I’ll go ahead. So, I went home at 3am from the hospital to get some stuff and bought essentials from the nearest 7-11 (learned that they still got this Bingo promo, too bad I lost the coupons for that). Anyway, Dra. Tan guaranteed that if she gets better we can go home the next day. Unfortunately, she still does not take milk normally and threw up again this morning. We’ll see if she can take some antibiotic later this afternoon orally, if her system responses well, then we can go home tomorrow.