While waiting for Wowowee to finish last night, I switched the program to NGC and glad I did. They were showing “In The Womb : Multiples.
I suddenly remembered when I was still pregnant. My husband anxiously waits for the same program and records it for me to watch. He wanted me to learn and know how the baby grows inside me week by week.
Anyway, back to the program, it seems that doctors usually recommends to mothers that triplets should be born earlier than 36 weeks, and natural birth isn’t always safe for the babies. They have shown the actual operation. OMG! I felt so nervous just by watching it. They have also shown a mother giving birth to twins naturally. The gap was 10 minutes after the first twin. Again, my heart was jumping! Whew! Imagine, giving birth to twins. One is enough to sweat. What about two? Or three? Or more?
Image Source : www.nationalgeographic.com