I saw the paper one evening on the computer table. Looks like he’s not interested to answer the questions at all. The next day, I called my husband D to give me the questions over the phone. I didn’t take the paper coz he might change his mind answering them. I told him I will do it. So I patiently googled any information I could find related to the questions. I missed one though.
He submitted the filled up questions to his immediate boss. And we never heard anything about it on who had won the quiz!
Two nights ago he came home…. woke me up and showed me a bottle of champagne. I asked him if he bought it?”. He smiled and said “you won the quiz”. I laughed and said hahaha “I goggled it!”. His colleagues were asking him to open it when he got it but he refused. He told them that it’s for me coz I did all the work. Awwww! Sweet!
Yesterday, we had our day off. I asked him to open it. He forced me to do it! I was so scared that the cork might fly somewhere else hehe! Not used to it you know… He was laughing….
Then, we had a drink! It’s been a while…… I never had one after I got soooooooo drunk days before our wedding. We had a bottle of Bacardi 151 with some of our common friends as we bid goodbye to singlehood hehehe! And I completely passed out! Since then, I never had another drink plus the fact that I have a little girl depending on me….