A beauty seminar originally valued at Php4,500.00 focusing on the practical, easy and sensible ways of using cosmetics and make-up to enhance your natural looks. Participants will have hands on experience in applying make-up for varying situations. The seminar is divided in 4 modules of 2 hours each to make it convenient to suit the busy summer schedules of the participants and to allow time for actual applications in between modules.
Highlights are:
- Learn basic types of make-up and principles of application.
- Learn beauty tips and quick fixes.
- Gain more confidence in wearing and applying make-up for yourself and others.
- Perfect for friends and family who just want to learn how to enhance their looks.
- Highly rewarding! Paves the way to an astonishing career and business opportunities. Conducted by qualified make up artist.
- Comes with free cosmetic materials, hand-outs, reference photos, supervised hands on training and FREE PHOTO SHOOT session!
Click here for more information. Details taken from awesome.ph.