Yes, in their own ways. Mothers are different. Some are showy. Some are over-protective. Some are stage moms. Some are strict. Some are sweet. Some are naggers. I guess, words are not enough to define “mother’s love”.
As I have posted in my other blog, you will never realize how hard it is until you become a mother.
I’d say my mother has all the definitions that I have mentioned, but in her own ways.
She is showy. She loves to update people about me and how I am doing miles away. She shows all the people she knows our photos, especially when I just had my baby. She would carry our photo album with her and show them what I’ve got.
She is or I’d say “was” over-protective. Those days, I didn’t understand why. But she would always say “pag may nangyari sayo ako ang sisisihin ng daddy mo”. Maybe bcoz she raised us alone. My father was in Saudi for more than 20 years and she did manage.
She is a stage mom. She’s never “missing in action” in every school programs I am in. She would buy herself a nice dress and make sure she’s presentable. So when people ask “Michelle, where is your mother?”, I’ll be proud. She actually succeeded. People would say she’s prettier than me hahaha! I think it’s her nose hehehe! You be the judge.
She is sweet. In her own ways. On my wedding day, she gave us the “The Wedding” cross-stitch, made by herself. It was made and finished a year before I got married. As soon as I told them we are getting married next year, she started stitching it and devoted her time doing it.
She is a nagger. Oh! Don’t ask me! She can be the worst mother when she’s mad hahaha!
But one thing I love about her. She is my bestfriend. She knows everything about me. My first boyfriend. My first kiss. My first break-up. Everything. Just everything.
It’s wonderful when your mom is also your best friend. You can share your highs and lows with her whenever you want.
Yup! Guess I’m lucky to have her!