It’s been 3 months since I gave birth to my baby boy, but it looks like this pregnancy has been high and low for me. High in sugar and cholesterol, and low chances of getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight hahaha! I would like to think that staying home 24/7 has something to do with it but of course, we all know that pregnancy changes every woman’s life, weight, and a body built included. You know that FeelinGirl feeling? I suddenly lost it, despite being so particular with how I look, I find it hard this time to build that confidence back again. Sometimes I’m urged to purchase body shapers and see if it would help but I thought I’d be fooling myself hahaha! But seriously, the site which I mentioned above almost made me buy waist trainer for women.
Although I know that I should at least do some stretching and exercise, I always have these thoughts of doing some shortcuts, perhaps just buy myself pairs of undergarments like high waisted shaper shorts.
I know it’s cheating but each time I get to see photos of women wearing the same, I get convinced! Are you not? Or is it just me?
I never thought I’d get this low feeling about how my body shape would look like after giving birth because I was never conscious about it, but it’s happening. I take time deciding which shirt to wear when I see bulges, and the saddest part, none of my denim shorts are fitting me now. I know, I know, it won’t work like magic even if I give in to these undergarments, but at least it will be a good start I think, seeing my body in good shape literally will then maybe help get myself motivated by staying and keeping more fit in the coming days. I’ll let you know and see how it goes…