For the past weeks, I’ve been bothered by a thought that “what if he loses his job?” Well, he almost did. I had sleepless night thinking everything over – of becoming an OFW again. Not too soon but in time, I will. Those were the thoughts that came to my mind. I’m glad those will remain thoughts in my mind- for now.
My husband works in a place where he’s not supposed to be working (if you guessed it right, just keep it within yourself please). And every single day that I don’t see him online leads me to a paranoia.
Because of what we had just gone through, of almost losing his job and keeping me awake almost every night that might have affected the baby inside me, I realized some things:
- Things happen for a reason.
- Just believe in Him, and He will give you an answer at the right time.
- If there is no one else to hear your struggles, seek for His comfort and He will definitely lend a hand to embrace you.
After almost 2 years of working in a place where he’s not supposed to be, he’s finally relocated back in Bahrain. I am so happy that I still couldn’t sleep, reminiscing the times when we were still there. The best part, if he gets settled there – once again – we can join him and start all over. I would love to go back and this time not 3 but 4 of us.
Aaahh! Bahrain will always be a special place for us.
Awww, Mitch, hugs to you sister. I hope and pray everything will be ok 🙂
hope you’re fine now, blessings!
hailey’s last blog post..Tearjerker Love Letter
Thanks Teacher Julie!
Hi Hails! I’m okay now sis, relieved! Thanks for dropping by!