The number of your Followers and Page Likes matters. That’s an obvious fact, but if there is no engagement, the people who already liked and followed your page will most likely leave you after some time. Here are ways to increase Page Likes and keep your followers loyal to you:
POST PHOTOS TO ENGAGE MORE. If you are posting long content, think again. People nowadays tend to engage more when they see photos/images. Of course, they have to be catchy and relevant. If it’s about an article that you personally wrote, just highlight the best part or turn it into an infographic!
KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. Make sure that you know your audience. Figure out the kind of content that would bring them value, or catch their attention. Never post for the sake of just posting. If your followers are a majority of moms, then post something that will engage them in every content that you share.
POST QUALITY AND RELEVANT CONTENT. When I created and started my FB Page some years ago, I really had no idea what to do about it. It was stuck at 3k likes and followers. I used to post excerpts from my blog or I would simply share some of my favorite quotes and that’s it! Until I realized, it’s not supposed to be that way. I have to do something or else my followers will soon leave me. Since the majority of my followers are moms, I thought that mommy posts will definitely attract and catch their attention. It actually happened just recently when I made a post about #buhaynanay which I think was relatable to many, even to people working from home. To my surprise, it went viral!
It had a total of:
4,896,292 People Reacher
540,185 Engagements
8,100 Reactions
And still counting… Therefore, I curated more mommy memes and #buhaynanay posts for my dear followers! Once they fell in love with your contents, there’s no reason not to like your page!
If you click the number of reactions, it will give you a list. You will know who haven’t liked your page yet.
The fact that they liked most of your posts, and that there was already an engagement, go ahead and invite them. Just don’t overdo it, Facebook is watching you. I think I did once back then and it blocked me from using that invite feature for a day or two.
GIVE YOUR AUDIENCE SOMETHING PERSONAL. Communicate with them. Get to know them. Let them know more about you, too. Post something that will make them feel wanted, including their opinions/ideas. In short, add a personal touch to your page.
RUN AN ONLINE GIVEAWAY. Let’s just say it’s your way of giving back and saying thanks. They don’t have to be expensive but I would suggest to give away something useful. Again, these do not need to be expensive. It’s always the thought that counts. Speaking of, I’ll be running a giveaway very soon, so watch out for it!
Let’s talk about personalizing/customizing your page next time… Hope the above helps!