Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue and a Silver Sixpence in Her Shoe.
Ever heard or followed this custom? I did, on my wedding day.
Something old > symbolizes continuity. I worn my old ring too, it was my husband’s birthday gift to me on our first year. But I think most of the brides wear their grandmother’s gown or an antique piece of jewelery.
Something new > represents good luck and success and the bride’s hope for a bright future in her new married life. Gown is often chosen as something new but old folks say that it could also be the flower arrangements or wedding rings. I had a brand new wedding gown on that big day.
Something borrowed > is to represent to the bride that friends and family will be there for her on the special day and in the future when help is needed. I think I missed this! I didn’t have anything borrowed.
Something blue > symbolizes faithfulness, purity and loyalty. I won’t disclose what blue I worn that day but I sure had something blue.
By the way, I worn something gold too! 😉 I had this set of gold jeweleries from my in laws. I think that means something for them too. Not sure what it was but it was some kind of a tradition. Coz I remember the first time Derrick brought me to India, they handed me a pair of gold earrings too! Derrick said that it is a tradition, or something like a token coz the only son’s bride-to-be has paid them a visit for the first time.