Are you fond of sweets but strictly on a diet? Ummm…. Yes, I am very much fond of sweets, I’m not on a diet though but trying to cut down on my sweets and soft drinks. You know the signs when your undies waistline start rolling? My lower tummy is bulging a bit now huwaaaaaaaaah! And that rolling moments happen to me a lot, hmp! It’s looks ugly and awful when I’m wearing my skinny-fit-jeans and fit top, bulges are just so visible. Imagine an average body built with a bulging tummy, and mind you I’m not 3 months preggy :(. I really wonder why only this part is growing hehe! I wanted something else to grow bwahahaha!
Anyway, when my cousins visited the other day, we talked about how our body changed right after giving birth. Again, I was on the hot seat, talking about their grown breasts, I don’t have anything to brag about. I had to think of something else… something to make them frown wahahahaha! Their growing body, and arms, and legs and everything… When we reached the “diet topic”, one mentioned having healthy snack bars. While the other mentioned high protein bars. Of course, I had to contribute something…. think think think! Tadah! I simply said all natural energy bar when honestly I do not know anything about it hahaha! I just read it somewhere that my brain somehow absorbed it. LOL! Sounds like we were trying to console ourselves and say “worry no more ladies!”.