What women want? Shoes!! No doubt about it! I found myself again buying another pair two weeks ago. And this time a Gibi pair! Costly but it’s okay. After all I deserve it!
As usual, I want a simple but elegant style that would suit and go with anything I would wear.
These tucks added an appeal to its style and look.
The latch-on lock makes it easier to wear.
Since Gibi is already known for its quality, I am thinking of sticking with it. Costly but the fact that it’ll serve you like forever is already enough to justify the cost. So yes, another Gibi pair maybe next month!
This is shoe-much already teehee! Moving on now to google something else hydraulic work support.
Mitch Carvalho
I am a full-time home-based Marketing Manager by day, 24/7 Mom, and a Blogger/Content Creator in my spare time. Proud mom to 2 girls and 1 boy, Derelle, Erchelle, and Elric.
I am happy to share my adventures as I walk through motherhood and have to do most things on my own while my husband works miles away from us. Turning my passion into a profitable venture is another thing.
Authoring and managing this personal blog developed my social media awareness over the years.
From being an ex-OFW to doing what I am good at in the comfort of my own home – while taking good care of my 3 wonderful kids, I hope that people see me as a great inspiration when it comes to pursuing my passion and turning it into a profitable venture.
A giant leap like this is such a challenging journey but indeed is rewarding. A few bumps along this whole journey did not stop me from being the best version of myself.
whoah!! I hope to have self treats to every month! yes, I agree with you that Gibi shoes will take long of its service. I used Gibi shoes when I was in college where I used it almost everyday..
You got a nice pair!
We used to buy shoes from Gibi, unfortunately, the store no longer carries our sizes 😀
Btw, we got the same style of logo/banner illustration 😀