Pinay Ads will soon host its first contest, such a great timing for the coming holiday season. By the way, this blog is maintained, owned and updated by my blog and chat buddy Iris. She also blogs at Aeirin’s Collections and Biz n’ Honey.
At the moment, Iris has already managed and gathered a long list of sponsors. I believe the said contest is still open for more sponsors. Big time eh? Yeah, that’s just the goal… Make it big… share big… At the end of the day, everyone is happy.
So, if you are interested please head on to her blog and leave a comment here. Share your blessings. I just did! I will be sponsoring a 125 x 125 ad spot on the following blogs:
And since Share Your Blessings is the main purpose of this contest, I just thought providing a lifetime 125 x 125 ad post would certainly make a difference. That’s right, l-i-f-e-t-i-m-e. Your badges will be there 24/7. Ummmm… well…. except when my blogs are down for maintenance, LOL! How’s that, Iris?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! lifetime?? that’s cool sis… I don’t know what to say. I’m so touched! Thank you so much sis… Thanks too for the linky love.. thanks thanks thanks 🙂
aeirin’s last blog post..A.M.B.I.T.O.
No probs sis…..
cool, I’ll join this.. btw, Sharla who won the giveaway decided not to get her prize, but I told her I will still give her $10 as prize. But, the Good news is that, I am going to draw another winner to take the 3pc Musical toy. All local participants are qualified to join, and you are one of them. You have another chance, visit sweetytots to know all the details.
architect’s last blog post..Madagascar 2: The First Movie that little J watched all though out