Princess Pilay! My poor little girl fell off the playhouse inside their classroom yesterday, her back over her left arm, so imagine the impact when she fell on the floor. Too bad I wasn’t around when it happened. After I dropped her off to school, I went to the Mall to check on something (Guilty mom here!). When I came back, all the parents waiting outside the room told me what happened. I checked on her and she was sitting quietly in the classroom.
I called Manang (the lady who does hilot for us, who had also been my savior when I was her age) but unfortunately she was not home. To give her a fast relief, I gently massaged her arm with Vick’s vaporub and wrapped it with a scarf to lessen the muscle pain, coz the A/C will be on the whole night.
But look at her, after the “hilot” session with Manang this morning and a slight fever, she still could smile and insisted on playing dress up in the computer.
Look at her facial expression, serious indeed!
Hope Deye’s arm will feel better soon.
Rach (Heart of Rachel)’s last blog post..Opening Eyes To Natural Childbirth