When it comes to home improvements, most of us tend to think along the lines of the overall look. It’s about where we arrange the furniture, the color schemes we select, the debates over laminate versus wood flooring. These are the changes we make; to the material, physical items.
As important as those changes are, there have been innovations over the past decade that could change how our home works. It’s undeniably a part of home improvement nowadays, as technology advances from our workspace and into our home life.
If you’re not the kind to always be up-to-date with the latest in at-home technology, then you might be missing out on some inventions that could make your life easier. While we may be awhile away from the fully functioning robot butler who does every DIY task for us, there’s no doubt that we’re getting a few steps closer.
1) Automated Cleaning Do you hate dragging around the vacuum cleaner? So does everyone; as they say, misery loves company! So why do it? Robot vacuum cleaners are no longer the stuff of dreams, nor do they require a huge budget. The idea of being able to abandon the cumbersome, space-stealing vacuum in preference of a little machine that zips along and does it all for you – it’s great to be living in the 21st century, isn’t it?
2) Problem Detection There is nothing worse than suffering a leak in your home, but discovering it too late. What might once have been a simple plumbing repair job can transform into needing to replace entire flooring and cabinets, all because it’s a slow leak that you didn’t notice quickly enough.
Thankfully, the days of such issues may be numbered thanks to home automation that can detect leaks the moment they begin to occur. You’ll know in an instant, when the fix is cheap and simple, rather than when it’s too late and expensive.
3) Security Goes Digital Once upon a time, people had to use old-fashioned methods for protecting their home. Padlocks (which could be broken open), thorny bushes to deter burglars (which could be defeated by gardening gloves) and security lights (which most burglars know how to avoid) were the only options available. Now, not only can you have an alarm, you can have an alarm that tells you there’s a problem when you’re out. You’ll get a phone call or text message saying there’s a disturbance, or even notification that your smoke detector has triggered. Both in terms of safety and security, the modern home is safer than at any other point in history.
4) Forgetful? Not A Problem… If you ever find yourself at a grocery store without the list you put together, then you’ll know the feeling of frustration. The chances of you missing an item that you need but have forgotten about seem to defy probability. At its worst, this problem can result in multiple trips to the store on a single day. Or it could… now, you could just tap into the app you have for your fridge and see what’s missing. You can be as forgetful as you want, knowing that your home tech has got your back.
Good thing we now have technology. It is very helpful for us now adays. Everything is so easy, pretty accessible, and convenient. Makes our lives easier.