I have been celebrating Mother’s Day for 5 years now and it’s slowly sinking in to me that few years from now, I’d be handling a tween, not one but two and the most scariest part? Both are girls.
Every morning, when I get ready for work, the girls are keenly observing my moves. The way I comb my hair, the way I stroke the lip brush on my lips, even the way I talk, they copy everything from me. It is really hard to be a good role model but as a mother, I have to, especially without a father around to explain the opposite side.
Just the other day, I saw my 16 month old holding a crayon but not doodling. Instead, she strokes it on her lips as if she was applying a color on her lips. Last night, my 5 y/o asked a question which had me stopped for a while. I didn’t know what to say.When these kind of questions arise, I make sure I consult my husband, maybe he’s got some other thoughts to share. Besides, raising the kids really include a team “parenting” effort. With proper guidance, I’m sure we won’t need Tips for working with troubled teens and we won’t for sure end up dealing with a Drug Abused child.
But if this happens, God forbid, I will gladly open and involve ourselves to a Teen Family Rehab Program!