The heat is on! Time to take the inflated pool out. We invited my nieces and nephews to join the girls and spend the day at our place.
The girls were so happy and had so much fun with them. Can’t blame them, they hardly play with other kids the way they did yesterday. No nos and buts from me!
We also had fun over lunch. I was househelp-less for 3 days and didn’t want to bother washing the dishes so we decided to have a boodle fight, shared the rice and grilled fishes that mom and dad prepared. The banana leaves were taken from the neighbor’s yard hahaha!
Of course, we, adults had also something to do. My cousins and I opened and had the red wine while kept ourselves busy over Candy Crush and 4 Pics and One Word. While the boys quench their thirst with Alfonso. As usual, mom was busy keeping up with her games on Facebook.
This is what you call summer fun at home! Family time is never dull to us!