is not done yet! I still have a lot of things to buy including the stuff that we needed for the wedding in January plus the items that Derrick had asked me to check for him.
The problem is I have no time lately, really. By the time I finish at work, my mind is tired as much as my back hurts. Plus I gotta do some blog updates for more moolah. I still have two pending articles for and they are supposed to be done and completed before the month ends. So I guess online prom gown shopping is the best solution for this. But in order for me to do that, I need extra online earnings too haha! I’m sure you’d agree with me. Online assignments are seldom these days so I thought blog contests could do a little help (if I get lucky, if not I have no choice but to settle with what I have), where I could join, relax and wait till the drum rolls for the winner announcement.
Guess what I just found an easy yet interesting one!! Yes, a blog contest! All you have to do is sign up with Shop and Confess, create a buzz about it following the rules and mechanics given. When you do that don’t forget to tell your readers or whoever signed up under your name to put your blog URL as the referrer.
If your blog URL is referred the most by those that signed up and participate you will win :
First prize $500
Second place $300
Third Prize $200
So what do you think?
wow guitar hero!! mabenta yan dito. hehehe
Jenefer’s last blog post..chili’s fest
O bili na! 😀