I really wonder why learners who are in the pre and early grade school levels are always asked to bring cut out pictures to school when most are already given and shown on books as reference nowadays. The teachers also know very well that it’s not them, the learners, who actually do the homework because they still can’t.
Earlier this morning, before we headed to the Charity Program that GrainPro sponsored, I asked Deye if she has homework. From day 1, they have been asked to cut and bring pictures of so and so. Having noted that in their Reminders Notebook, I had to check her old and used books and cut whatever pictures I could get as per what was noted. As much as I want to preserve the books, I had no choice but to just cut them out so my daughter will have something to show the next day.
Not today though. I decided that I just draw whatever they are required to bring. They are asked to bring cut out pictures of food that contains carbohydrates and fats.
I’m glad I still can otherwise Deye would end up with nothing. I have nothing against these learning tools but it’s better if teachers will ask our learners to do what they can ONLY do.
I totally agree with this; besides, it’s a waste of those books or magazines if kids have to cut them out. And boooy, what could happen if the kids cut them out themselves–scissors, brrr. 😐
I certainly can understand you. I also my little sister’s homeworks. Haha! Sometimes, its fun. But sometimes, homeworks are also irritating. haha!
Haha! Ingenious! Looks like you had fun too.
Rizza (beingwell)
Good job mommy… I rather draw it rather than giving cut out sayang ang books.
I remember when I was a grader, we have lots of homework like that! Hehe.
great job mommy!!! the drawings look great
I remember this! I still have a few memories nung pre-school na kelangan mag-gupit gupit sa magazines, and true, mom ko ang gumawa.
Another thing na ayaw ko is the excessive use of paper. Times are different now. Teachers should innovate.
Maybe the goal for these assignments is to ensure that parents are helping out with the assignments. But yeah, I agree with you that there are some things in the current education system that are simply wasting our resources and time – its one of the reasons why we find homeschooling a good no-nonsense alternative. Finally, I have to say the drawings were nice!
I agree with you on this. My SIL has 2 kids and they don’t have any cut-out projects.
We have the same sentiment! I hate it when my son’s homework is to cut and paste a picture of something in his notebook. Since I didn’t want to cut from books, I cut from magazines. As much as I wanted to preserve my mags, I had no choice. It’s a good idea to just draw.
And you draw very well, huh!
you can print pictures from the net.. 🙂 you have a cute and bubbly kid btw.. 🙂
napaisip din ako..oo nga no bakit lagi ganun?..nanay din naman gumagawa…
galing mag draw mommy in fairness!
strongly agree! I had this kind of homework before wayy wayy back. Sometimes its fun and really good but most of the time I’m mad about it. But it looks pretty good! you did a great idea, lucky you’re good in drawing! It shows! hehe very nice 🙂
I got irritated sometimes with those kind of homework but I guess it also helps in their fine motor development when they are learning to grip scissors. Nonetheless, we parents, do the cutting most of the time.
I’m glad that my kids school doesn’t ask for cut outs. If they do I would go to clipart online and just print out the pictures which they would need to use. It beats looking through magazines and books for pictures.
I agree, the teachers should give assignments that can be done by their students according to their age. nangyayari kc parents lang din gumagawa ng assignment.
I’m still trying to figure out why preschoolers and kindergartners get homework. That’s a stupid policy that should be changed.
Do we have blogging teachers in BC Bloggers to give us an insight as to why there are homeworks like that? 🙂
Your drawings look great by the way.
I remember having to bring cutouts to school as well. But my parents always let me do my own thing, or my aunt used to tell me that I wanted things done my way so they normally just let me. Back then we had lots of magazines so it was easy. But homes these days don’t have a lot of printed materials available because of the Internet and all things digital. These assignments may have become obsolete.
Your drawings look more interesting to look at:) At least it’s something you can do together with your child rather than cutting pictures out on your own since we can’t allow children to handle scissors on their own just yet.
I can definitely sympathize with you sis! I also don’t know why teachers ask kids to bring cut-out pictures when they know it’s the parents who’ll do all the searching and cutting of photos.. >.< Actually, not just with bring cut-out pictures.. With almost any other assignment they give to pre-schoolers and kindergarteners.. *sigh* Anyway, love your drawing sis! 🙂
For my son’s cut out projects, I’ve bought and collected a lot of old magazines. But your drawings made it more interesting, I bet, for your child.
We have the same sentiment. Sometimes I don’t understand why kids are asked most of the time to submit homework of cut-out pictures of this and that. I also cut pictures from my kids old books pag wala sa magazines and sometimes I draw it for them and cut ko na lang din. Tayo talagang mga mommy, very ingenious. 🙂
I don’t know what are the reasons why they are asking students to have these cut pictures. I still remember in our elementary days that we are also used to ask this kind of home work. I agree with you, you are going to waste books and magazines.
Tama. Sayang ang books. If only I can draw like you.
As much as possible, I let my pre-school daughter before do the cutting outs or pasting or coloring of their homework. Even my homeschooled children did this. I just tell them what to do and assist. It is a way of teaching them how to do it by themselves and I believe “cutting” helps develop further their fine motor skills which is essential at their age. If mommies are doing it for them, it is indeed pointless to give the homework.
my daughter’s teacher is also like that but I found out that they use it for “show and tell”.
i totally agree! i am apprehensive that it is teaching the kids to pass on what they perceive to be “too hard” for them to someone else tuloy 🙁 it’s not teaching them to strive for something attainable according to their limits.
yeah me too,, i wonder why laging cut out photos ang homework ni AJ. pero galing mo sis sa drawing ha.. mukhang cut-outs nrin ::)